A GOP Blunder And Two Republican Senators’ Stand: Ron Johnson and Rand Paul Stand Firm on Unnecessary COVID-19 Vaccination Of The Already Immune.
At least 50% of America is skeptical about the COVID-19 vaccines currently available for Americans.
This skepticism on the part of the public is actually a logical outcome of the unsafe, draconian, and one-size-fits-all approach to vaccination being promoted by the Biden administration and the current leadership of the FDA and CDC.
Trust is earned. It is not imposed!
Trust is earned when people’s concerns are respected and their fears understood.
Trust is not earned when people are looked down upon, forced, shamed, coerced or, worse, ostracized!
The United States government is advising EVERYONE to get a shot — and it is doing little to nothing to prevent private corporations and educational institutions from floridly discriminating against folks who, for whatever reasons, are not willing to get the vaccine.
Surprise, surprise! In America folks don’t like things shoved down their throats by government.
But, really, It’s not just American oppositionalism to big brother driving vaccine skepticism. A massive subset of Americans, up to 30%, have already had natural infections — and the vast majority of these folks are already immune to SARS-CoV-2.
Despite the elite academic and corporate establishment’s arrogant narrative that disrespects everyday Americans’ intelligence every day, most Americans have a very rational and scientifically based question: If I’ve already had a COVID-19 infection, why in God’s heck do I need to get vaccinated?
In fact, from a clinical and scientific perspective, this question is 100% appropriate — and anyone who says it’s not and wants to coerce or shame folks into vaccination using “anti-science” is just a NO GOOD charlatan.
It’s sad to see all Democrats and most Republicans acting like sheep on the vaccine necessity issue that is clear cut to most every day Americans — especially as nearly 50% of the American people are rationally losing faith in all of these weak politicians. And this lack of public trust is a recipe for disaster in a democratic republic like ours — as the social upheavals of the past year in our country demonstrate.
The reality is that the majority of vaccine skeptics are Americans who are Independents or Republicans. So, the fact that republican congressmen and senators are failing to project their constituents’ voices on what is likely the biggest personal issue to be consuming the American psyche these days (i.e., the COVID-19 vaccine) does not bode well for the Republican party.
But amidst this GOP foolishness and weakness, two Republican U.S. senators, Ron Johnson and Rand Paul, are the voices of reason on the COVID-19 vaccine. And I strongly suspect that when the dust settles, Republicans and Independents will remember these senators’ courageous public health stand on the rational deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine. Certainly the people who themselves, or whose loved ones, are harmed by unnecessary vaccinations are bound to remember, understand and appreciate these senators’ stand.
Both senators Johnson and Paul, have had natural COVID-19 infections — and both are already immune to the virus. And now both, and especially senator Johnson, are raising the alarm loudly on the foolishness and potential danger of indiscriminately vaccinating folks, like themselves, who are previously infected and naturally immune.
Both senators Johnson and Paul have refused to get vaccinated, because both have confirmed that they are, in fact, immune to SARS-CoV-2 based on their prior infection.
It’s sad to see that with 50% of the country very skeptical about the necessity and safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, more republican senators are not acting rationally to earn back America’s trust — the Democrats, well they just seem to be the party of “herd mentality” and “one-size-fits-all” political narratives these days: Useless and dangerous!
Indeed, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely….And that’s what CNN’s “stick-and-carrots” lady is saying…and it’s what all the draconian vaccine “mandates/requirements” are all about: POWER and control!
It’s been my prediction, as the data is bearing out, that indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination of recently infected and naturally immune is potentially dangerous or unnecessary. And, really, only two U.S. senators are the ones clearly testing this proposition personally, and demanding that FDA and CDC quickly adjudicate this issue to protect Americans from unnecessary and avoidable harm by a vaccine that is meant to do good.
I have no doubt that the COVID-19 vaccine will do far more good than it does harm — it is truly one of the most effective vaccines humanity has ever built and it is marvel of modern medical technology. The trump administration delivered this to America at warp speed to save many lives — credit where it is due!
But just like any other medical product and practice, its unnecessary and indiscriminate use is the recipe for totally avoidable harm to an unsuspecting minority subset of people — harm that democrats in America are downplaying, and the majority of republicans are sheepishly looking away from.
Except for Ron Johnson and Rand Paul.
My prediction is that Johnson, and maybe Paul, will earn America’s trust because of their ability to see a problem and act on it courageously before all of their colleagues. It’s not easy to tolerate mindless attacks from the left and to confront florid ignorance and negligence on your own side of the aisle.
So my bet, America….Ron Johnson (and Rand Paul) are earning our trust — because they are projecting appropriate skepticism about the ethics and necessity of indiscriminately vaccinating the up to 30% of America that is already naturally immune already. And by doing so, they are not only the defenders of common sense American ethos but also of science and rational ethical thinking.
Hopefully the rest of the GOP caucus in the United States congress won’t lag behind Johnson and Paul for too much longer — they do so at peril to their only reputations and to their party.
My suggestion, reader, is that you #ScreenB4Vaccine to make sure you get vaccinated only when you stand to gain from it because you are not immune — not when you’re being coerced into getting it at risk to your liberty, livelihood and education as an American of reason.
In defense of US public health and all ethos the gives America her many freedoms,
Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD