When We Start to Vaccinate The Children Against COVID-19: The Rise of #ScreenB4Vaccine.
We all know it’s coming.
And it’s coming whether or not we agree with it from a moral or scientific perspective.
They will soon be mandating children to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
It’s already happening on some college campuses.
Recently, I wrote a letter of warning to the leadership of Rutgers University in New jersey about their irrational and unsafe mandate that all students be indiscriminately vaccinated against COVID-19. You can read it HERE.
I personally don’t think it is a terrible idea to vaccinate children against COVID-19 - IF it’s done rationally, safely and after confirming the vaccine’s efficacy in generating neutralizing IgG antibodies and priming T-cells in clinical trials.
Certainly I don’t think any family should be forced to vaccinate their children. This is a violation of the medical ethical principle of patient autonomy. And, I believe forced vaccination is medical malpractice.
Every sane parent in America should want to make sure their child is maximally protected — both from a potential natural COVID-19 infection, and from unnecessary or potentially harmful vaccination.
As before, it is my opinion and prognostication that indiscriminate vaccination of children with recent SARS-CoV-2 infections is unnecessary and potentially dangerous.
And, it is a certainty that by the time the COVID-19 children’s vaccine is available, many millions of kids will have been already naturally infected in this pandemic — I am of the opinion that indiscriminate vaccination in the vast majority of these kids will be unnecessary or dangerous.
I say this for two reasons:
- Many, if not most, previously infected children are naturally immune. Vaccinating these already immune kids is medically unnecessary and poses a risk of vaccine reactions in some.
- At least some kids with recent infections might be at risk of harm from a vaccine induced immune response. Because their tissues will contain antigenic remnants from their natural infections, which can get targeted by a reactivated immune response.
This is why I know that the safest and most rational approach to vaccinating people in the midst of outbreak, including children and young adults, is to use a #ScreenB4Vaccine approach to avoid indiscriminate vaccination of the previously infected and naturally immune.
As colleges and universities begin to mandate vaccinations — and as schools start to mandate vaccines for younger kids in the coming few months, it will fall on parents to protect their children.
I will repeat that indiscriminately vaccinating naturally immune or recently infected children and young adults is unnecessary or potentially dangerous, respectively.
Every parent should demand #ScreenB4Vaccine before subjecting their child to a COVID-19 vaccination. Specifically because we are in the midst of pandemic when so may children will likely have been recently infected.
I write here for the public record and so that every parent considering vaccination of their child is aware of what is, in my opinion, a risk of harm.
In defense of public health in the United States and globally,
Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD.