The Biden Administration’s Deviation From The Basic Science Of Immunology, In Favor of Mandated “One-Size-Fits-All” Vaccination and Boosters, Is A National Security Threat.

The Biden administration, led by Dr. Fauci, is ignoring the science of Immunology and instead narrowly relying on social mandates and volatile viral screening tests. In so doing, the Biden White House is not only placing Americans at risk of medical harm, it is damaging our republic by undermining trust in representative self-governance.

Hooman Noorchashm
15 min readDec 31, 2021
President Biden’s administration, led by Dr. Fauci, has monolithically ignored the science of Immunology and instead restricted its focus on mandated population level vaccination, irrespective of medical necessity and the volatility of viral screening tests. This astigmatic Biden approach to the pandemic is a very serious threat to both public health and national security, being led by Dr. Fauci.

When our technologically advanced nation deviates from the established principles of basic science, we become vulnerable to serious or irreparable harm. This, I state as a self-evident fact, most fellow Americans would agree with.

To combat the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the Biden administration under Dr. Fauci’s leadership, has elected to focus monolithically on “one-size-fits-all” population level vaccine mandates. Though the administration claims that these mandates are “the science”, and that Dr. Fauci’s position “represents science”, this is a falsehood.

The actual science is the basic science of Immunology — not the Mr. Biden’s irrational mandated “vaccinology” engineered by Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden’s COVID task-force, irrespective of whether any given person has adequate pre-established immunity or is even concurrently or recently infected. The Biden approach is, in fact, authoritarian and dangerous pseudo-science, NOT science.

Let me explain.

Under Dr. Fauci’s restrictive and rigid public health leadership, the Biden administration has invested nothing in ensuring that Americans are rationally and robustly immune to COVID-19 on an individual basis. Instead, Mr. Biden and Dr. Fauci have equated being vaccinated with being immune. Though this is true for many, perhaps most Americans who get vaccinated, it will very certainly not be true for many millions of our countrymen and women. As such, the Biden administration: 1) has opened the door to irrational authoritarian mandates that violate both the principle of medical necessity and the constitutional rights of a large subset of Americans AND, 2) done nothing to ensure adequate immunity in another vast number of Americans. In both cases, Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden are causing reckless and irreparable harm.

On a political level, Mr. Biden is clearly failing to understand the psychology of over half of the American democracy: that, Many in America, do NOT want to be told what to do by federal mandate, especially when such edicts come at threat of coercion. This lack of political insight into the American psyche by Mr. Biden, is a dramatic error that has undermined his administration’s authority now, and almost guarantees a swift oscillation to full Republican rule in ’22 and ’24 — promising to further exacerbate the current instability by sustaining one party rule in the US government. In the final analysis we will not have an intact self-governing nation capable of adequate self-defense, if over half the governed fully mistrust their “representative” government. Mr. Biden is failing to see this peril to America — but perhaps he cares not!

Dr. Noorchashm discussing the Biden administration’s deviation from the science of Immunology, in favor of mandated “vaccination”, representing a potentially serious national security and public health threat.

On a public health level, Mr. Biden fails to grasp that vaccination is a medical treatment and ought to be treated as such: ethically and rationally. Biden’s “One-size-fits-all”, McDonald’s style “Super Size Me” approach to vaccination and boosters is simply medically dangerous and negligent. That it is driven by some very decorated academic medical experts in Dr. Fauci’s circle and a corp of elitist Harvard medical utilitarians is beyond terrifying.

I am not a politician. My perception of the big political error in the Biden approach to mass vaccination is subjectively mine, as a citizen and public health advocate. In my opinion, this Biden mistake is highly likely to be irreparably damaging our democracy and public confidence in the institutions of American government. Time will tell.

But, I am a physician, immunologist and public health advocate. So I can delineate, with expert certainty, the exact adverse consequences of the dangerous Fauci (and Biden) doctrine in ignoring the science of Immunology in favor of “forced vaccinology” — both to the subset of Americans who comfortably comply with federal edicts and to the subset who reject the vaccine, because they mistrust authoritarian federal mandates and edicts imposed on the whole population.

Let me explain in detail.

Adverse Consequence of “One-Size-Fits-All” Vaccination To The Vaccine Mandate Compliant.

Over half of America has been compliant with the COVID-19 vaccine recommendations and mandates emanating from the Biden administration’s CDC under direction of Harvard’s Walensky.

Most of the compliant have undergone vaccination willingly. Many, however, have undergone vaccination because of the threat of personal loss — being that of employment, educational opportunities or social engagement events.

The trouble is that compliance with vaccine recommendations/mandates is not a guarantee of immunity to COVID-19 — the Omicron variant is making this abundantly clear. Because, like any drug, the vaccine’s efficacy is not a binary. It operates on a bell-shaped curve. So, by equating vaccination with Immunity and fully ignoring the existence of the latter in every American person, Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden have left a vast number of vaccinated but inadequately immunized (and compliant) Americans at risk of harm from infection.

In fact, on May 19, 2021, the Biden administration did the OPPOSITE of helping Americans find out if they are immune. They used a powerful FDA guidance to recommend against Americans and their doctors testing and determining the status of their personal antibody immunity to COVID-19 — this, in a setting where every reasonable American physician knows that such antibody tests are the gold standard for determination of adequate immunity to almost every pathogenic virus we know of — SARS-CoV-2 is no different. In fact, the vaccine manufacturers have used this very test as part of their determination that the COVID-19 vaccines can actually induce an immune response — what the Biden FDA blocked for every day Americans on May 19, 2021 is a highly relevant and critical piece of personal medical information, especially in the midst of pandemic outbreak. In fact, this restrictive federal guidance is a clear and present threat to public health during this pandemic.

Additionally, many of the compliant underwent vaccination after having already had a prior natural infection. Most in this category were highly likely to have been already well immune to COVID-19, but underwent unnecessary vaccinations. My colleagues and I recently performed a large meta-analysis demonstrating that those with acquired immunity from prior natural infection are equally, if not better, protected from subsequent infection compared to vaccinated counterparts. This holds true, according to emerging data, in the case of Variants of Concern (VOC) like Delta and Omicron also. Acquired natural immunity is at least as powerful as is vaccination, which makes mandated vaccination of the naturally immune, especially those with serological evidence of immunity, medically unnecessary, and thus only potentially dangerous to them. Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden’s COVID-19 Taskforce have failed at admitting and acting on this scientific reality.

In fact, some Americans with prior natural infection and, thus, naturally acquired immunity have even experienced catastrophic or deadly complications following indiscriminate vaccination. To name a few unfortunate countrymen and women in this category, I invite the reader to learn about the tragic cases of Dr. J. Barton Williams of TN, Mr. Christopher Sarmiento of NM, Ms. Brandy McFadden of TN, or Mr. Everest Romney of UT — to name only a few. These stories are available from reputable news sources on the web. These vaccine complications, when they occur in compliant persons with pre-established immunity, are not simply “unfortunate but expected complications”, they are totally avoidable harm, which Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden are responsible for, because of their irrational deviation from the science of Immunology and their reliance on “McDonald’s Super-Size-Me” thinking.

Dr. Noorchashm and FOX’s Shannon Bream, discussing the problem and potential danger in mandated booster shots in Americans, who have already had a prior COVID-19 infection AND two shots of the mRNA vaccine in the past 10–12 months.

At this stage in the pandemic, there are millions of compliant Americans, who have not only been infected, they’ve also undergone two mandated vaccine shots by mandate within the past 10–12 months. Even Dr. Fauci himself, has labeled this category of Americans with “hybrid immunity” as being “bullet proof” against COVID-19 infection. In fact, hundreds of thousands of college and high school students fall in this category — some at our most elite academic institutions. Yet, these “bullet proof” Americans are now being mandated to get booster shots AGAIN! As a physician and immunologist, I write with certainty that THIS, is medical malpractice being committed on mass scale, imposed in many cases by non-medical administrators, because of an utter failure of clearsighted leadership by Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden. It is almost a certainty than at least some in this category will be irreparably harmed by their unnecessary third booster vaccination. It is also possible, that some being boosted, because they are already maximally immune, might experience “immunological exhaustion” from being “hyperimmunized” in a short span of time. I am certain that every rational immunologist (including perhaps Dr. Fauci himself) grasps this basic science concept. We ought not be boosting Americans who are already well immune. Period!

Then there is the category of compliant Americans who are immunosuppressed, due to underlying conditions or illness. These vaccinated Americans are led to assume that they are protected by their vaccinations and booster. But in truth, their vaccination has not made them immune because of their diseased biology. So, they remain exposed, despite being vaccinated. The tragic case of General Collin Powell comes to mind — the general was suffering from multiple myeloma, which we know is immunosuppressive. It is highly likely that if General Powell had assessed the status of his immunity to COVID-19 following vaccination using the blood antibody tests, which the Biden administration blocked on May 19, 2021, his physicians would have known that he is inadequately immune — and perhaps would have fortified him prophylactically using monoclonal antibodies. Maybe they did, but I highly doubt it. So, one wonders how many such vaccinated Americans, inadequately immune due to underlying disease, have died unnecessarily by now — specifically because of Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden’s failure to focus on the science of Immunology and assessment of personal IMMUNITY to COVID-19. My bet, is MANY!

The truth is that compliance with COVID-19 vaccination or boosting recommendations/mandates, does not guarantee protection from infection — because vaccination is NOT a guarantee of adequate IMMUNITY. Even the vaccine manufacturers initially reported a 10–30% inefficacy rate for the American vaccines — the Omicron variant has clearly reduced that efficacy rate even further. But because Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden are ignoring basic science, they have left millions of vaccinated but inadequately immune Americans, who believe they are relatively well protected, at risk of infection. This is dangerous negligence by Dr. Fauci leading the President of the United States astray.

If the solution were not as simple as a fast, highly accurate and feasible blood test for existing COVID-19 antibodies, perhaps the Biden/Fauci failure would be forgivable. Unfortunately, it is not!

Adverse Consequences of “One-Size-Fits-All” Vaccine Mandates In The Population of Americans Who Are Vaccine Hesitant Or Non-Compliant.

A majority of Americans, in general, do not react well to federal edicts and mandates — especially when such edicts are not fully rational and are demanded outside the realm of personal autonomy.

The reality is that about 50% of America has partially or fully misunderstood or feared the COVID-19 vaccine, and the need for it in the face of this pandemic virus. Part of this misunderstanding comes from nefarious or misinformed persons inside and outside the United States. But the bulk of the mistrust is, ironically, caused by Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden’s administration themselves. The fact that they lack the introspection and insight into this reality as federal leaders of a representative republic, is quite dangerous.

Dr. Noorchashm discussing president Biden’s chest beating and discriminatory rhetoric against 30–50% of Americans who stand in dissent to his rigid authoritarian approach to mandated vaccination.

Sadly, Mr. Biden and Dr. Fauci’s reliance on authoritarian vaccine and booster mandates has done virtually nothing to earn trust from the vaccine hesitant or non-compliant subsets of our democracy — countrymen and women numbering in the many millions. To the contrary, Mr. Biden’s chest beating and discriminatory rhetoric against unvaccinated Americans, has done more damage to public trust in our government than perhaps at any recent time in American history.

In my own practice of medicine, I have come across many vaccine hesitant friends, family members and patients, who upon hearing my opinion about checking the status of their COVID-19 immunity, asked to have their blood tested. In my experience, over half of these hesitant persons autonomously chose to get vaccinated, when they found out that they are NOT immune to COVID-19. It is a truism, that when Americans are treated like adults and with respect for their intellectual acumen and individualistic constitutional rights, instead of reliance on authoritarian edicts by non-medical administrators and federal regulators, they make correct decisions to protect themselves.

But Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden have failed to understand that for many hesitant Americans, actually seeing a NEGATIVE blood immunity status prompts them to get vaccinated. This lack of Biden administration insight into the American psyche and its failure to understand the value of personalizing medical treatment, has robbed many hesitant Americans who would otherwise have sought vaccination. How many such have become infected and died — one can only surmise! Fauci and Biden’s iron fisted vaccine mandates have very likely harmed and killed many in this category, where a velvet glove would have saved the day.

Another terrible area of mistrust Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden have spawned in the hesitant and non-compliant categories of Americans, is in their handling of the millions of Americans with naturally acquired immunity from a prior infection. Earlier in this writing, I described that many, if not most, such folks are quite well immune to COVID-19. So in a large majority of such persons, mandated vaccination is medically unnecessary and only potentially harmful. In fact, many Americans viscerally understand that if they have recently recovered from a viral infection, they are quite robustly immune and need not get immediately vaccinated. Dr. Fauci and the entire Biden public health leadership also understand this basic science principle. In fact, a leading vaccine developer and clinician, Dr. Paul Offit of Philadelphia, has stated that the reason why Operation Warp Speed knew that a vaccine stands a chance of working against COVID-19 is that natural infection leads to protective immunity. BUT, the fact that Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden’s administration have been unwilling to accept seropositive acquired natural immunity as sufficient proof of immunity to COVID-19, and instead continue to insist that such person be subject to mandated vaccination anyway, has dealt a catastrophic blow to trust on the part of a vast number of hesitant Americans — not to mention that it has stoked vaccine hesitancy even further. Again, here, instead of using rationality, basic science and a velvet glove, Dr. Fauci and the Biden administration have relied on authoritarian edict, an iron fist and “one-size-fits-all” thinking to deal with our democracy. As such, they have created a danger to public health.

Why The “Offit Dissent” And Its Sidelining At FDA, On Mandated Booster Vaccination Of Young Americans, Is A Direct Demonstration Of Dr. Fauci And the Biden Administration’s Dangerous Behavior In Government.

Something incredibly important happened recently.

One of America’s most zealous, influential and outspoken defenders of mass vaccination, including the COVID-19 vaccine, is Dr. Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Throughout the pandemic, Dr. Offit has been an outspoken advocate for efficient mass vaccination. But recently when the FDA panel convened to approve booster shots in young Americans, who were fully vaccinated over 6–8 month prior, Dr. Offit loudly dissented.

Professor Offit went on to elaborate on the reasons for his dissent at FDA in a recent interview with New York Magazine. To paraphrase Dr. Offit, he pointed to two rational scientific and clinical facts: 1) America would gain far more benefit from working to reasonably convince non-immune persons to get vaccinated and 2) mandating already vaccinated and otherwise healthy young Americans to get boosters, because of fear of Omicron, will be marginally beneficial to them and potentially prevent acquisition of powerful “hybrid immunity” from what will only be a mild infection in most. As such, he dissented against mandated boosters in the young and otherwise healthy.

Now, I have not always agreed with Dr. Offit’s perspectives on vaccine “harm” and “one-size-fits-all” mandates. And I do not believe he sufficiently articulated the case for the “potential harm” of booster mandates in already immune or previously infected young Americans. He stopped short of deviating too far “off the reservation”. Still, I know that his dissent on booster shots at FDA was an act of professional integrity, ethical thinking and courage — for that, all Americans should thank him.

On the other hand, the fact that Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden’s administration floridly side-lined the dissent on booster mandates by one of our nation’s most prominent vaccine advocates and infectious disease experts, is an ominous sign that the Biden administration’s approach to mass vaccination in the US is dangerous and cannot be trusted.

What Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden are failing to appreciate is that when American federal leaders, agencies and institutions are incapable of incorporating rational expert dissent into majority consensus actions and policies, they erode the fabric of trust in representative government. And, that dear reader, is a direct threat to American national security.

The Biden Administration’s Focus On COVID-19 Virus Screening, instead of Screening for COVID-19 Immunity Is A Disastrous Error In Public Health Policy.

Recently, with the rise of Omicron, the Biden administration used the Defense Production Act to dedicate billions in tax payer dollars to screening the population for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Of course, it is important for us to have a handle on who is infected in order to institute rational quarantine and distancing measures to curtail spread. I am not disparaging viral screening assays here.

Dr. Noorchashm and FOX’s Jesse Waters discuss the dangerous flaw in focusing on viral screening instead of making a concerted effort to ensure that every American is actually IMMUNE to COVID-19

But, Dr. Fauci and Mr. Biden are wasting a massive amount of taxpayer dollars on developing large numbers of at home screening tests for the virus. The problem, for starters, is that they’ve done so in a knee jerk reaction to Omicron’s rise. So, it’s likely too little too late. By the time the DPA funds translate into viral home screening tests, Omicron is likely to have burned through the population.

Additionally, establishment of federally funded viral screening testing at super center sites, as have sprung up in NYC and elsewhere, is a public health hazard for two reasons: 1) These testing centers themselves could serve as “super-spreader events” where the infected are freely mingling with the uninfected and 2) having undergone a virus test at one moment, the tested individual could get infected in the next, rendering a negative test extremely volatile and of pretty low value. The truth is that in our free society, surveillance viral testing is of little real value.

Dr. Noorchashm and Joe Donlon discussing the weakness of the Biden administration’s focus on viral screening instead of testing for COVID-19 antibody immunity as our national strategy to combat this pandemic.

Instead, the Biden administration and Dr. Fauci ought to be focusing their attention and the nation’s resources on ensuring and determining that every individual American is adequately immune by encouraging and funding testing for COVID-19 immunity — and establishing good guidelines and threshold for appropriate immunity. Their failure to do so, and instead to fund a low value and volatile screening test for the virus itself, using billions in tax payer dollars, is a dangerous error in public health policy — one that places many Americans at an increased risk of harm.

Overall, it is beyond a doubt that the Biden administration’s deviation from the science of Immunology on screening for Immunity, its side-lining of expert dissent and iron fisted reliance on “one-size-fits-all” vaccination, instead of a gentle and rational science based focus on IMMUNITY, is posing a severe danger to American public health.

Perhaps more importantly, the Biden administration’s serious anti-science errors in handling mass vaccination policies, led by Dr. Fauci, are undermining public trust in American government. But, when too substantial a proportion of any democracy begins to mistrust government institutions designed on the republican principle of self-governance, a national security threat is created.

It is not hyperbole to state that the Biden administration, under Dr. Fauci’s guidance, has both stoked a public health hazard and poses a serious national security threat to our democracy.

As a centrist McCain republican, who himself voted for Mr. Biden in 2020, because of a belief in the need for balance and rationality in federal government, I am extremely concerned that Dr. Fauci and the Biden administration are now stoking a level of public mistrust and disenfranchisement from American government that is incompatible with a stable nation and adequate self-defense against external adversaries.

Perhaps the hour is not be too late for our Troy — Yet!

May the good Lord bless and preserve the United States of America — our children’s home.

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD

New Year’s Eve 2021.



Hooman Noorchashm
Hooman Noorchashm

Written by Hooman Noorchashm

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD is a public health advocate and Research Professor of Law. The opinions he expresses on are not those of his employer.

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