That’s exactly what I’m stating Dr. Hickie. Screening B4 vaccination is NOT being offered as a routine to people in whom vaccination may be unnecessary or only marginally beneficial because they are already immune.
This is not being done in transplant patients either — certainly not as a “pre-vaccine” screening method. And certainly, in no population (including the otherwise immunosuppressed) is #ScreenB4Vaccine being used for the purpose of adjudicating whether a person would benefit from the vaccine. I believe this is a serious error. Because a central tenet of ethical medical practice is “medical necessity”. If we have a way to demonstrate whether a treatment is necessary, especially in the midst of an outbreak when a substantial number of people actually are immune, why not look?
Surely, you understand that if a person is treated with ANY unnecessary medical treatment, of which vaccines are one, the door is open to harm only. Why? because if you do NOT stand to benefit from a medical treatment, drug, device or surgical procedure, being subjected to it anyway is ONLY the recipe for a totally avoidable complication: i.e., HARM!
Though I appreciate your idiotic attempts at skepticism and debunking my position on indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination of the already naturally immune in the midst of a pandemic outbreak, I also know you and your type in medicine very well. People like you, of whom there are many, do not see the root causes of “minority harm” in the medical profession, especially in a setting where a “majority benefit” from service line medical products.
It’s precisely your kind of despicable mentality that killed my wife, Dr. Amy Josephine Reed in 2017. So before you invoke “windmills”, I would ask that you turn on your damn brain, open your eyes and ears, STFU and think carefully about what harm means in medicine and how delicate the balance is between majority benefit and minority harm.
Until you do, you’re just another one of the jokers with a white coat and big mouth.
Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD.