#KillTheKillFirst! — The Only Safe Way to Restart the American Economy

Hooman Noorchashm
5 min readApr 24, 2020


I truly need a haircut — but let’s #KillTheKillFirst

It’s been about 6 weeks now. And I really need a haircut!

It’s time we got serious about opening the American economy back up.

But in truth, if we just fire it up without any real and scientifically based strategy we risk a massive surge of new COVID-19 illnesses and deaths.

Some people say, “that’s no big deal. The majority of people will be fine.” And this is true!

BUT, because so many people will get sick with the COVID-19 virus — even a minority of patients getting critically ill could easily cause our healthcare system to crash and burn.

To put it in perspective, I’m amazed by folks who separate our Healthcare system from the broader American economy.

Reality check people: Healthcare is over 20% of the American economy.

So, it’s a real good bet that if 20% of our economy crashes and burns, the whole damn Titanic’ll sink with all of us on board!

So, NO! It’s not option to just fire the economy back up willy nilly — so me and my friends can go get our haircuts.

Look, there’s really only one way to free ourselves from this godforsaken pandemic — and we only get one shot. Make no mistake a vaccine is about a year or more away, if that!

Here’s the way: We need to #KillTheKillFirst!

What do I mean by that?

Well the SARS-CoV2 virus has a “kill mechanism”…And we need to “kill the kill mechanism first”, before we even think about exposing everyone to the virus by ending our social distancing policies.


We need to do this by rapidly identifying and evaluating a vastly available generic drug that could effectively block the progression of COVID-19 disease to the deadly critical illness that’s killing people.

Please do me a favor. Read that last paragraph again and let it sink in.

SARS-CoV2’s “kill mechanism” is most likely something called “HYPERIMMUNITY” and “CYTOKINE STORM”. This isn’t made up. It’s basically the fancy medical terminology for what the virus is making our immune systems do: go nuts and kill us!

So, pure and simple….to block COVID-19’s “kill mechanism”, we need to kill the HYPERIMMUNITY process SARS-CoV2 induces in the patient’s body.

CYCLOSPORINE is a well-estbalished, safe and effective drug used routinely across the world and in the US to block all kinds of HYPERIMMUNITY and CYTOKINE STORM Disease. We should see if it can help us #KillTheKillFirst!

For reasons, I’ve written about before, there is strong scientific and clinical reasons to hypothesize that the generic drug CYCLOSPORINE will effectively block the HYPERIMMUNE response in COVID-19 disease. You can read my detailed explanations HERE and HERE.

Put it this way, far more so than Hydroxychloroquine, there is a solid scientific and clinical rationale for testing or using CYCLOSPORINE to #KillTheKillFirst! in the case of COVID-19 disease.

But the sad thing is that there’s a lot working against any movement to #KillTheKillFirst! using a widely available and generic drug in the United States. This has certainly been the case with CYCLOSPORINE.

For starters, we have a lot of corporate money interests in big Pharma preferring to test and deploy the rarest and most expensive drugs against SARS-CoV2 — drugs that are not only expensive and unavailable, but also have unknown safety and efficacy profiles that would require many years to tease out. There is literally little interest or motivation for big Pharma to tap into the arsenal of old-fashioned generic drugs with established safety and efficacy profiles against hyperimmune diseases. Why tap into the shed and and pull out an old-fashioned rifle every one can use against the enemy when you can sell a new fangled, space-age laser gun you can make a lot of money off? Who care if it doesn’t work - it sells?

Then we have the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), forever a slave to its own outdated and cumbersome regulatory process. FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) is so mired in pre-COVID-19 process, it doesn’t seem to fathom that this pandemic is a Pearl Harbor like scenario that requires nimble speed and efficiency to combat — not long regulatory reviews and year-long clinical trials as thousands of American lose their lives! Of course, there’s also the fact that, as a rule, FDA is a captured agency that’s primarily guided by the interests of big Pharma at baseline — not the best interests of the American people. So, it’s a good bet that FDA’s CDER will be much more motivated to approve the new-fangled laser gun than the good old fashioned rifle in our shed for use against SARS-CoV2!

And lastly we have the professional egos and interests of our “academic medical leaders”, who are always on the prowl for the next sexy and well-funded research project. God forbid, a boring, well-established, generic drug be proposed for a clinical trial at their fancy hospitals — most of these folk are eying new clinical trials as either their pathway to a professorship or a Nobel-prize. In fact, some of our academic leaders have a literal “shit-fit” when anyone suggests using an old-fashioned, time-tested, affordable generic drug to fight the new disease they’re all out to cure — presumably for the benefit of humankind! Let’s not kid ourselves. Most these guys are in it for number one: it’s about the promotion, the next grant or personal glory — it’s not about using the most efficient feasible available weapons to save as many lives as is possible!

So, in case you’re wondering, this is why I don’t really think we’re not going to find a drug, anytime soon, that’ll effectively #KillTheKillFirst! in America. Certainly, in the case of CYCLOSPORINE, everything I’ve described here is just about true. And believe me, I’m in the thick of it.

Oh, and before I forget, the press….As much as I hate to say it, the mainstream media is just an establishment voice box in America. So unless something is coming from establishment leaders, from government or from big money corporations, they have no interest in reporting it to the people — no matter how compelling or truthful the information or the source.

But, who knows, maybe @realDonaldTrump will hear about CYCLOSPORINE and quickly understand that we need to #KillTheKillFirst! before we re-open the American economy. He’s just about unconventional enough, he might!

Maybe instead of saying the word “Hydroxychloriquine” in public, Mr. President, you could say “CYCLOSPORINE” for a few days, instead…it’s a lot more scientifically and clinically rational than the anti-malaria drug you’ve been touting.

Because if we don’t #KillTheKillFirst! our American Titanic will likely sink with all of us on board.

So next time, you think of needin’ that haircut — think! We need to #KillTheKillFirst!

Do yourself a favor, help our administration in Washington hear it. Make #KillTheKillFirst! and #CYCLOSPORINE go viral on Twitter and Facebook for @RealDonaldTrump to hear.



Hooman Noorchashm
Hooman Noorchashm

Written by Hooman Noorchashm

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD is a public health advocate and Research Professor of Law. The opinions he expresses on Medium.com are not those of his employer.

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