CDC Knows Vaccine Associated Critical Illness And Myocarditis Are Linked To Prior COVID-19 Infections

So Why Is The Agency Not Endorsing A #ScreenB4Vaccine And “Delay” Approach To Protect Millions of Previously Infected Americans?

Hooman Noorchashm
6 min readJun 2, 2021
CDC director, Dr. Walensky, is very literally and knowingly allowing a disaster to unfold for a minority subset of unsuspecting Americans with prior COVID-19 infections, by allowing their unrestrained and indiscriminate vaccination. This is a critical and dangerous error in policy at CDC. Why can’t the US do as our Israeli partners have: Exclude the recently infected and already immune from immediate vaccination?

It is a certainty that the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is aware of the increased health risk of COVID-19 vaccination in persons with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Recently, CDC published a paper about a group of 6 patients with critical Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS), early in the COVID-19 vaccine campaign. MIS is a dreaded critical illness associated with some viral illnesses, including COVID-19.

What’s striking about this paper is that 3 of the six patients with critical inflammatory disease developed their illness following vaccination — in the a setting where they’d been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Make no mistake, THIS CDC paper is a MASSIVE safety signal to FDA and CDC. Or, at least, it should be. But these days America is in the twilight zone!

In other words, these 3 patients were doing fine following their natural COVID-19 infection and had recovered, were mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic — only to become critically ill after they underwent COVID-19 vaccination.

Needless to say of course, vaccinating already infected persons, the vast majority of whom are already immune, is an unnecessary medical treatment. But in the patient series described in the CDC publication, the vaccination actually incited a potentially deadly, but totally avoidable, illness.

It is very doubtful that post-vaccine cases of MIS like the ones described in the CDC paper are isolated — or that the vaccination in such unfortunate patients with a prior infection is NOT causal. In fact, this is exactly how Dr. J. Barton Williams of Memphis, TN died. He was indiscriminately vaccinated following an asymptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 and died in an ICU a few days later from what his doctor disingenuously called a “delayed COVID-19 response”.

The bottom line is that CDC knows that indiscriminate vaccination of recently infected folks places them at risk of developing MIS. So instead of warning the American people about the possibility and encouraging people with natural COVID-19 immunity to hold-off immediate vaccination, they are ignoring the MIS safety signal entirely!

Then there’s the recent awareness that the COVID-19 vaccine is triggering myocarditis and pericarditis in a minority subset of young people. In fact, CDC is aware of this and recently published an online guidance about it.

In this guidance, the CDC suggests that if a young person develops myocarditis or pericarditis, “Where available, evaluate for potential etiologies of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly acute COVID-19 infection (e.g., PCR testing), prior SARS-CoV-2 infection (e.g., detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antibodies)”.

In other words, CDC recognizes that if a young person develops myocarditis or pericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination, it may just be that he/she has had a “prior SARS-CoV-2 infection”.

Interestingly, Israel is carefully tracking a series of post-vaccination myocarditis cases too. The Jerusalem Post covered this series recently, interviewing Professor Nadav Davidovitch, who is an epidemiologist and the director of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s School of Public Health. He said of the Israeli analysis: “According to the preliminary analysis it appears that the risk is higher for those who are naturally infected, but again we are waiting for the complete data.”

There are also a few prominent anecdotes in the press. Like the case of Mr. Mody Shehab of NJ. He had a natural COVID-19 infection that landed him in the hospital, severely ill. Fortunately he recovered. But then following CDC guidance he got the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. That’s when he developed a rip roaring case of myocarditis. So, here you have a real life example of this vaccine hazard, which CDC and FDA are fully downplaying and ignoring!

The bottom line is that CDC (and FDA) know that indiscriminate vaccination of recently infected folks is likely placing them at higher risk of developing myocarditis and pericarditis. But, AGAIN, instead of warning the American people about the possibility and encouraging people with natural COVID-19 immunity to hold-off immediate vaccination, they are full steam ahead with an indiscriminate vaccination policy!

As I’ve described before, CDC’s confident negligence in promoting an indiscriminate vaccination policy in the previously infected and naturally immune is legally, but not morally, defensible.


Because the COVID-19 vaccine is, in fact, a highly effective vaccine that will protect the vast majority of non-immune people from harm by the natural infection. And, CDC and FDA reason that orders of magnitude more people will be harmed by a natural virus infection in a pandemic than stand a chance of being harmed by the COVID-19 vaccine - literally, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, more. So, for these public health agencies, it comes down to a utilitarian equation they seem mindlessly committed to: Harm from the natural virus infection is FAR greater than harm from the vaccine.

Of course, this reckless utilitarianism is not a morally tenable position— and especially not in the United States where, at least on paper, our constitution claims to be history’s greatest defender of justice and protector of individual rights.

The CDC and FDA’s grievous error is that the agencies are not recognizing that a comparison of “HARM” from disease vs. treatment can only be justified in a utilitarian trade-off equation, if a reasonable/maximal attempt is made to mitigate against all known and predicted morbidity/mortality risks from the treatment. Not mitigating against the risk of a treatment, or worse applying it to persons unnecessarily, is simply a recipe for irreparable harm to unsuspecting Americans.

In other words, if there is ANY chance that previously infected and already immune Americans are at higher risk of harm from vaccination, mass vaccination is NOT justified unless every reasonable attempt is made to identify and exclude these persons from indiscriminate and potentially harmful vaccination — something the United States can easily do.

The reality is that most Americans have access to COVID-19 screening — and our government can very easily work to exclude previously infected and immune people from immediate vaccination. At the very least our public health agencies can give folks the choice. In fact, several countries, including Israel, have already done so. So why not the U.S.?

Instead, the FDA recently generated an “anti-science” guidance making the point that blood antibodies, which are the gold standard of immunity, cannot be relied upon as demonstration of immunity to SARS-CoV-2. I wrote about this absurd and backwards FDA guidance HERE.

In the end, to save the larger minority subset of Americans in harm’s way from natural COVID-19 infection, FDA and CDC are knowingly allowing a smaller minority subset of Americans to be put in totally avoidable harm’s way from indiscriminate vaccination. They do so, while also allowing and endorsing private American corporations to force a draconian public health policy on everyday Americans at risk of loss of their employment, their civil liberties and their educational opportunities — even if the millions of already immune Americans stand to gain little to no benefit from vaccination. America is, indeed, in the twilight zone in 2021!

My prediction is that current approach of the Biden administration, the CDC and the FDA to mass COVID-19 vaccination is wrong and it’s dangerous — and if I had to guess, they’ll be paying the piper heftily in 2022 and 2024. Sadly for them, their losses will be well deserved!



Hooman Noorchashm
Hooman Noorchashm

Written by Hooman Noorchashm

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD is a public health advocate and Research Professor of Law. The opinions he expresses on are not those of his employer.

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