An Urgent Guidance to President Biden And The U.S. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention: Critical Necessity Of A Vaccine Mandate “Off-Ramp” For the COVID-Recovered & Already Immune

The Biden administration already knows that the preponderance of powerful epidemiological data are demonstrating “equivalency of protection” from subsequent infection in “fully vaccinated” versus the “COVID-recovered” Americans. At the moment, the rigid vaccine mandates endorsed by the Biden administration are demonstrably tearing major American cities and our economy apart — this, is posing a serious threat to our nation’s stability and security. The present urgent guidance to the President and the CDC calls for creation of an immediate “off-ramp” from vaccine mandates in those Americans with demonstrable acquired natural immunity from prior COVID-19 infection.

Hooman Noorchashm
4 min readNov 4, 2021
A scene from midday on a weekday in early November 2021 in Manhattan — following implementation of NYC’s rigid vaccine mandates that led to thousands of dissenting city employee failing to show up for work.

This urgent public guidance to the President Of The United States, and the Biden CDC, is generated in light of the national health and economic security threat being caused by the rigid COVID-19 vaccine mandates across the United States starting this week. It is sincerely hoped that President Biden and his advisors heed the warning presented here.

On October 28, 2021 a peer-reviewed meta-analysis was published demonstrating that the preponderance of powerful epidemiological data show an equivalency of protection from subsequent infection in “fully vaccinated” versus COVID-recovered and naturally immune persons.

This meta-analysis was presented to the FDA commissioner, Dr. Janet Woodcock and her colleagues at the CDC.

On October 29, the CDC published a public “Science Brief” on this topic and referenced the above meta-analysis (CDC Reference 79).

In this briefing, the CDC authors paraphrased the meta-analysis by stating: “A systematic review and meta-analysis including data from three vaccine efficacy trials and four observational studies from the US, Israel, and the United Kingdom, found no significant difference in the overall level of protection provided by infection as compared with protection provided by vaccination; this included studies from both prior to and during the period in which Delta was the predominant variant [79]”.

Despite the CDC’s awareness of the large-scale epidemiological data from multiple large centers, as well as the agency authors’ own admission of what the data demonstrate, the CDC’s Brief continued to recommend vaccination of previously infected and already immune persons based on a highly marginal added benefit of vaccination in the previously infected — one that is very likely to be far more pronounced when “fully vaccinated” persons (who are not mandated to undergo vaccination) undergo an addition shot.

Dr. Mahesh Shenai, has published an extensive and highly accessible analysis deconstructing the CDC’s Science Brief.

Here, based on a clear analysis of the data and taking into consideration the preponderant popular discord on vaccine mandates, this urgent guidance to the President Of The United States and the CDC is written with the intent to inform The President: Your endorsement of rigid and irrational vaccine mandates in millions of COVID-recovered and already immune Americans is posing a clear and present danger to the safety and security of some of our nation’s major cities, our economy and some of our major corporations.

Based on the robust epidemiological evidence presented above, as well as the foundational principles of immunological science, it is of critical importance that the President and the CDC open a clear “off-ramp” from vaccine mandates for COVID-recovered Americans, who do not wish to undergo booster vaccination.

Exempting COVID-recovered and already immune Americans from mandated vaccination in places of work and public engagement will: 1) relieve the strain of anxiety and dissent from nearly 100,000,000 Americans, many unwilling, who stand to gain very little, if any benefit, from an added vaccination and 2) bring the COVID-19 vaccine mandates into ethically (and legally) justified space.

At the moment, the rigidity of the COVID-19 vaccine mandates being empowered by the Biden administration’s endorsement, are posing a clear and present danger to our nation’s health and economic security. The fact that the Biden administration is blind to this self-made threat, is troubling from both a political and a national security perspective.

This urgent guidance informs the President and the CDC that it is in America’s immediate national interest that the administration immediately create a vaccine mandate framework that will allow the COVID-recovered and serologically immune to be exempted from vaccination. The preponderance of clinical data indicate that such persons are equally, if not better, protected from infection than are Americans who are “fully vaccinated”.

Non-compliance with this simple, rational and safe public guidance to the Biden administration in correcting the COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the US, threatens to divide and damage our nation even further.

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD

November 2021.



Hooman Noorchashm
Hooman Noorchashm

Written by Hooman Noorchashm

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD is a public health advocate and Research Professor of Law. The opinions he expresses on are not those of his employer.

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