An Call To Immediate Public Action: Write FDA’s Dr. Peter Marks To Stop Indiscriminate COVID-19 Vaccination In The Already Infected.

Hooman Noorchashm
3 min readFeb 16, 2021


Dr. Peter Marks is chief of the Center for Biologic Evaluation and Research. In this role, he has the ability to guide FDA to protect those already infected with COVID-19 from potential harm by indiscriminate vaccination.

Fellow Concerned Citizen,

Recently, I warned the United States Food and Drug Administration and Pfizer’s executives about a highly likely potential for immunological harm to persons already infected with COVID-19 at the time of their vaccination.

You may read my two letters of warning HERE and HERE.

To date, neither FDA leaders, nor Pfizer executives, have been adequately responsive to these warning, despite acknowledging receipt of my analyses and letters of warning.

I am particularly concerned that the population of previously infected elderly and frail, or institutionalized, with cardiovascular disease are susceptible to harm by indiscriminate vaccination.

You may read my specific analysis about the elderly and frail, HERE.

Last week the warnings I’ve been raising with FDA and Pfizer came to head with news of the death of Dr. J. Barton Williams of Memphis, TN. He was a previously infected person with prior asymptomatic COVID-19 infection, who underwent vaccination while otherwise healthy. Shortly after his vaccinations, he died from a “delayed COVID-19 immune reaction” leading to severe inflammatory/septic disease — according to his treating physicians.

It is nearly certain that Dr. J. Barton Williams’ complication will not be an isolated one — as such he must be treated as a very concerning index case by FDA, Pfizer and Moderna.

You may read my analysis of the tragic death of Dr. J. Barton Williams, HERE.

Dr. Bill Gruber, SVP of Vaccine Development at Pfizer.

Here and now, because it appears that our federal authorities and Pfizer are unable or unwilling to act with sufficient urgency to protect the previously infected from likely potential harm, I write to ask for your support as a responsible and concerned citizen.

Here, I am asking that you e-mail the form message, below, to the e-mail inboxes of FDA’s Dr. Peter Marks (CBER chief) and Pfizer’s Dr. Bill Gruber (SVP of Vaccine development) — these individuals’ emails are and

Please also CC me at

Please also CC the following involved reporters in your email message:,,,,,,,,,,

In your SUBJECT line, please include: “Stop Indiscriminate COVID-19 Vaccination In The Already Infected”.

Here, is the text I ask that you urgently e-mail to Drs. Marks and Gruber — please cut and paste this into your email form and send:

Dear Drs. Marks and Gruber,

I am writing to request that FDA and Pfizer act to immediately and urgently protect patients with prior or recent COVID-19 infections from indiscriminate vaccination with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

I am aware that persons with prior or recent SARS-CoV-2 infection are very likely to be at risk of immunological harm from indiscriminate vaccination — this, especially in the elderly and frail institutionalized with underlying cardiovascular disease.

I am also aware that the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials did not include any significant number of such study subjects to establish vaccine safety in these persons.

The tragic death of Dr. J. Barton Williams of Memphis, TN is very concerning to me as a citizen — and I know that you are aware that his case is unlikely to be an isolated one.

With over 30 million Americans now already infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it is a serious error for FDA and Pfizer to allow the continued indiscriminate vaccination of such persons.

Please instruct all vaccination centers and clinicians to avoid or delay vaccination of persons with “known or suspected” COVID-19 infections, respectively — and #ScreenB4Vaccine.

Thank you for your attention and commitment to US public heath.


[Print Your Name and State/Country of Residence Here]

By sending this clear message “on the record” to Drs. Marks and Gruber we, as concerned citizens, may be able to stimulate their attention to act more decisively to mitigate against unsafe indiscriminate vaccination of persons with prior COVID-19 infections.

I write here asking for your support as a friend to public health and as a concerned citizen of the United States.

In friendship,

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD,



Hooman Noorchashm
Hooman Noorchashm

Written by Hooman Noorchashm

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD is a public health advocate and Research Professor of Law. The opinions he expresses on are not those of his employer.

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