A Warning to All Insurers and Insurance Hedge Fund Managers: On the Likely Danger of Indiscriminate COVID-19 Vaccination in The Naturally Infected.
Dear insurance industry leader and investor,
I am directing this public letter of warning to you, because you serve the United States as our core risk managers and damage control professionals.
I write here to warn you of a potential impending disaster from our nation’s indiscriminate vaccination approach, which could serve to avoidably compound the losses your industry has sustained from the COVID-19 pandemic over the past year.
Let me explain.
It is highly likely from an immunological perspective that indiscriminate vaccination of persons with recent or occult natural COVID-19 infections poses a higher risk of adverse events and mortality, than does vaccination of persons who are not naturally infected.
Already, level 3 data and some powerful anecdotes of this phenomenon are emerging. Certainly the safety signal is deafeningly loud on social media platforms — and these are NOT Russian or Chinese bots, they are Americans talking about their adverse personal experiences. Experiences that FDA and CDC’s passive surveillance mechanisms are highly likely to be missing.
The concern from an insurance and risk management perspective is that if such harm to unsuspecting persons being indiscriminately vaccinated is being missed, the burden of loss will not only be on American families — but also on your industry and investment funds.
Since last year, I have been warning the US Food and Drug Administration about the likely hazard of indiscriminately vaccinating the already infected.
You may read my warnings to FDA and vaccine industry leaders HERE, HERE and HERE.
Additionally, I have done my very best to warn the public about the potential peril of indiscriminately vaccinating the recently infected on my Medium.com blog site. Please refer to these to understand my perspective in detail.
I believe that in our nation’s urgency to protect itself from socioeconomic peril in this pandemic, we are suspending and breaching some fundamental risk management algorithms both on the clinical practice and regulatory sides, as it pertains to our novel COVID-19 vaccines.
Of course, I state this fully recognizing that these powerful vaccine will be beautifully effective in the vast majority of the infected.
The damage done by natural disasters like a pandemic is what you industry is designed to curb — but, you must defend your industry from the unintended consequences of man-made solutions. Otherwise loss and damage done to your industry and to American society, by this natural pandemic disaster will be compounded by our own careless and indiscriminate approach to problem solving.
Here, I am warning your industry leaders that indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination of the recently infected poses a potential high risk of damage and loss to your insurance investments. This indiscriminate approach to COVID-19 vaccination is likely to be the dominant, and the most avoidable, self-created risk of loss our government is imposing on your industry.
I trust you understand the purpose of my warning here. And I hope that you will act with all urgency to lobby the US congress and the White House to restrain unnecessary and potentially dangerous indiscriminate vaccination of the recently COVID-19 infected.
In friendship and in defense of the United States,
Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD.