A Public Warning On Indiscriminate Booster Vaccination of The “Hybrid Immune” And The Omicron Infected This Winter.

Hooman Noorchashm
3 min readJan 5, 2022


Drs. Anthony Fauci and Rochelle Walensky know full well that otherwise young and healthy Americans with “hybrid immunity” stand to gain little or no benefit from an indiscriminate booster vaccination by mandate. Additionally, they both know that vaccination of recently or concurrently infected persons, may pose a risk of harm. With millions of Americans carrying “hybrid immunity” and many infected with Omicron this Winter break, why are these official not providing rational and safe “off-ramps” from the mandated booster shots being administered indiscriminately to Americans across the nation?

Over the past two weeks the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States have reached new heights.

Last week the Wall Street Journal reported record highs twice in the same week.

The truth is that these surging infections are happening in a large number of un-immune unvaccinated persons, BUT also in many, who are fully vaccinated and boosted.

It is accurate to state that though the vaccine’s immunity is protecting the majority of those adequately immunize, the combination of Omicron and the vaccine’s intrinsic wane rate is posing a threat to the public.

So, it is logical to propose booster in the the previously vaccinated.

However, it is NOT logical or safe to mandate booster vaccines in two categories of Americans:

  1. Those with “hybrid immunity”, who have in additional to a prior confirmed natural infection already had a full vaccine course in the last 12 months.
  2. Those vaccinated who, during the past 6 weeks since Thanksgiving, have experienced a natural infection.

Both categories of Americans are quite robustly immune with “hybrid immunity” and very unlikely to be re-infected any time soon — in fact, Dr. Anthony Fauci and others in public health are known to have labeled such persons as being “bullet proof”. So to force booster shots in such individuals is, both, ethically and medically incorrect and potentially dangerous.

Specifically, of concern to American government officials, the press and the public should be the category of Americans, vaccinated or not, who acquired Omicron infections since Thanksgiving.

These millions of recently Omicron/Delta infected and convalescing Americans are being offered indiscriminate booster shots — be it at local pharmacies and medical centers or on some College and High School campuses.

Here, I am writing to inform the public of my opinion as I have before, that indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination of recently convalescent or concurrently infected persons, poses a risk of harm to at least some.

It is a clear failure in clear and safe public health messaging from the Biden CDC and FDA, not to have guided American private and public enterprises to provide rational “off-ramps” from mandated booster shots to the millions of Americans who carry “hybrid immunity”. But in the case of many, who recently acquired COVID-19 infections this winter break, the cost of indiscriminate immediate booster vaccination could be unacceptably high — in a setting where there is virtually no medical necessity to mandate vaccination is such persons.

It is my respectful opinion and guidance to CDC, FDA and the Biden administration to immediately create rational and safe “off-ramps” from mandated booster vaccination for Americans with proof of “hybrid immunity”. Failure to do so, fits the definition of negligence on a population scale.

In defense of US public health,

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD

Winter 2022.



Hooman Noorchashm

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD is a physician-scientist. He is an advocate for ethics, patient safety and women’s health. He and his 6 children live in Pennsylvania.