A Call On Chicago Police Officers To National Leadership: Test Your COVID-19 Antibodies To Ensure That You Are Immune, In Spite of Your Mayor’s Irrational Vaccine Mandate.
Chicago police officers are being bullied by Mayor Lori Lightfoot, into getting COVID-19 vaccines, while many are COVID-recovered and already immune. But the only real way these officers can maximally protect themselves and their community is to find out if they are personally immune against COVID-19. Every member of the Chicago Police force ought to consider checking the status of their personal antibody immunity to COVID-19. This way, not only would they defend the force and the community from infection, they’d also stand up to unjustified punitive vaccine mandates on the local and federal levels.
Honorable Chicago Police Officer,
I write you this open letter, and call to action in defense of your force and the Chicago community.
As a physician, immunologist, and friend to Chicago, I’ve been appalled to see Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s belligerent bullying behavior towards the Chicago PD using an irrational, draconian and anti-science COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
I fully recognize that the reason why Mayor Lightfoot is enabled to do so is the “No Strike” clause in your contractual agreement with the city, which your FOP agreed to based on your professional commitment to keeping the city lawful and orderly.
Though I fully support the need for ensuring that the population is immune against COVID-19, I am 100% against irrational and unscientific coercive mandates, especially on COVID-recovered and already immune Americans.
Moreover, The fact that your commitment to service in agreeing to a “No Strike” policy is now being abused by your the Chicago Mayor to bully you into compliance, is deplorable and shocking to many observers.
I know for a fact that many of you are already vaccinated. I also know that many of your contracted COVID-19 infections as a result of your service over the last year, recovered and are already robustly immune.
But irrespective of your vaccination or infection history, there’s only one gold-standard medical risk parameter that tells us if you are actually protected: That is, the status of your antibody immunity to SARS-CoV-2.
I am also quite certain that many of the officers who are resisting Mayor Lightfoot’s insane and punitive mandate are the COVID-recovered and likely to be already well immune. My estimate is that between infections and vaccinations, the Chicago PD is well over 90% immune to COVID-19 already.
Know, that it is 100% medically reasonable for you to be questioning the need for vaccination, if you are already immune from an infection.
But of course, some of you will not be optimally immune, and those are the folks who are still vulnerable to infection. As you know many vaccinated are not well immune and those folks are the ones who are likely getting “breakthrough infections”. FDA and the vaccine manufacturers already know that that anywhere from 10–30% of vaccinated persons, depending on the brand of vaccine used, are sub-optimally immunize. It’s important such persons know who they are by measuring the status of their antibody immunity.
Imagine if you all made sure you’re actually IMMUNE, as a force, and then let America know that IMMUNITY is the Achilles heel of the COVID-19 pandemic — not draconian, disrespectful and punitive vaccine mandates by politicians like Ms. Lightfoot.
My respectful suggestion, as a physician and immunologist, is that each an every one of you use Labcorp to assess the status of your antibody immunity to COVID-19. The following are the test codes:
SARS-CoV-2 Spike antigen, IgG (Blood — Labcorp 164055)
SARS-CoV-2 Semi-Quantitative Spike antigen, Ab (Blood — Labcorp 164090)
SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid, Ab (Blood — Labcorp 164068)
You can order these online (without a prescription) from Labcorp with a simple and easy single tube blood draw. The first two tests (164055 and 164090) are protective Spike antibodies and the third one (164068) shows if you had a prior natural infection.
It is my strong belief that if every member of the Chicago Police force chooses to determine if he/she is immune to COVID-19 and then all of you in unison make a statement to the Mayor and to America — reason and science can prevail, in defense of America’s public health and safety.
Officer, consider that making sure you are personally immune to COVID-19 on the job is like wearing your bullet proof vest properly. So make sure you’re immune. Check your COVID-19 antibodies.
I do believe that you all can have a major impact on your force, the city and our nation’s health and safety, if you acted to properly and rationally secure yourselves by ensuring that you are immune to COVID-19.
I pray for your safety and courage in the face of all the threatening forces affecting you, internally and externally.
With respect,
Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD (In defense of US public health).